Environmental Wellness

Environmental Wellness requires us to be mindful of our local and global communities, and make efforts to care for our planet and the natural world. To achieve overall well-being, we need a healthy physical environment around us. While improving our environmental landscape, learning about native flora and fauna, and caring for waterways and more can all feel like daunting tasks, there are numerous ways to contribute to planetary health.
There are as many reasons to care for the environment as there are leaves on trees. One compelling reason is that spending time in nature contributes to our own mental and physical wellness. Research shows that spending time in nature provides stress relief, and having clean air and safe drinking water are vital to our basic physical health. Without these essentials, our quality of life and overall wellness is likely to deteriorate. When the planet benefits, we all benefit.
Be waste wise!
Both Sudbury and Thunder Bay have online resources to familiarize yourself with local waste bylaws. If you are new to the NOSM University communities, be sure to familiarize yourself with local waste bylaws, and do the same if you are heading out on a placement. Making sure to recycle and compost properly is a simple way to contribute to a healthier planet.
Sudbury waste regulations
Thunder Bay waste regulations
Northern routes
Subscribe to Dr. Green’s blog, Northern Routes, to find out more about the Climate Change initiatives at NOSM University.