Physical Wellness

Physical wellness encompasses more than getting a check-up once in a while or going to a doctor when you are sick. Those things are vital to your health, but other things contribute to your physical wellness, including getting a good night’s sleep and eating well.
While research shows that not all aspects of health are within our individual control, we can still build healthy habits into our everyday lives and pursue overall physical wellness. It may take some time, but building a healthy habit around eating, physical activity, and sleeping is well worth the effort it takes, as it contributes not only to physical health but also mental health and all aspects of wellness. Starting slow and building over time will aid you in reaching positive physical wellness.
See a doctor when necessary
Make sure to schedule doctors’ appointments, get your prescriptions in order, visit the dentist and eye doctor as needed. If you do not have a family doctor, contact your Learner Affairs Officer (LAO) and they will do their best to connect you with someone.
Make use of health care benefits
For MD, NODIP, and Graduate students, your health care benefits are through the NOSM University Student Council.
For Residents, your Health Care Benefits are through PARO.
Nourish your body
Make sure to eat enough, and in a balanced way. Include fruits, vegetables, and things you love to eat in your meals. To get personalized advice on nutrition from a Registered Dietitian, book a session through Homewood Health.
NOSM University Gym Access
Both the YMCA and the Canada Games Complex have graciously provided the ability for NOSM University Learners to purchase monthly passes without penalties. Therefore, you will not be penalized if you wish to purchase a monthly pass for one month and skip a month. There are also options for longer-term memberships with both organizations.
The monthly membership fee at the Canada Games Complex in Thunder Bay for full access monthly is: $53.45+HST
The monthly membership fee at the YMCA in Sudbury for full access monthly is: $52.00 + HST
Be active at home
Check out the Library Guide on Being Active @Home.
These drop-in 50 min classes are held over the lunch hour on Wednesdays, accessible online via WebEx. Please sign the linked waiver to receive meeting invitations with the connection and room information.
For more information, contact Rebecca Maskevich at
Accessibility and accommodations
If you require an accommodation for a disability, including a physical accommodation, please contact the accessibility advisor. To learn more, head to the webpage on Learner Accessibility and Accommodations.
Smoking cessation
If you are looking to stop smoking, Homewood Health’s fully confidential smoking cessation program is available to you at any time.
Contact Homewood Health by phone to begin the smoking cessation program:
1-800-663-1142 (English)
1-866-398-9505 (Numéro sans frais – en français)
1-888-384-1152 (TTY)
604-689-1717 International (Call Collect)